AS U-TURNS go, it was not particularly painful; defence procurement is hardly a doorstepissue. Still, in terms of the scale of ambition thwarted it was a big one. On December 10thBritain's defence secretary, Philip Hammond, announced that one of the most radicaloutsourcing plans hatched by any government would not be going ahead.
Mr Hammond has been (successfully) trying to restore fiscal probity to the Ministry ofDefence, long a pariah in Whitehall for its casual approach to the military equipment budget.He wants to root out the so-called “conspiracy of optimism”, in which officials, the armedforces and defence suppliers pretend that kit will be delivered much more cheaply than it in factcan be. After a cost-cutting defence review, Mr Hammond inherited a staggering 74 billion ($122billion) of unfunded commitments from the last Labour government.
At present a 16,500-strong Bristol-based outfit called Defence Equipment & Support(DE&S), staffed mostly by former soldiers and civil servants, handles procurement. MrHammond argued that a radically different approach was needed. Responsibility for buyingand maintaining Britain's military equipment should be handed to a GOCO, the acronym givento a new government-owned, contractor-operated organisation. In effect, Britain would haveprivatised defence procurement.
In July three American-led consortia had been lined up to bid for the contract. But by lastmonth two had dropped out, fearing it would be impossible to make a decent return. That leftjust one bidder: a consortium that included Bechtel, PricewaterhouseCoopers and PAConsulting. Sources suggest that, despite having submitted a 1,200-page bid, this consortiumtoo was thinking about pulling out.
Without a credible commercial competition, Mr Hammond will revert to allowing a beefed-upDE&S to offer the salaries needed to attract people from the private sector with the kind ofcommercial, engineering and financial skills needed to handle big projects and negotiatecomplex contracts. This is unlikely to deliver the kind of “cultural change” that Mr Hammondhad insisted was essential.
Yet Francis Tusa, the editor of Defence Analysis, a newsletter, and a supporter of GOCO,reckons that for all Mr Hammond's apparent enthusiasm for it, he may not be entirelydismayed by what has happened. Bidders fell by the wayside because of the limited length ofcontract being offered (as little as three years according to a source) combined with therequirement for substantial upfront investment and the need for every pound of profit to comefrom savings over the previous system. Surely Mr Hammond could have sweetened the deal ifhe had really wanted it?
The proposed new system was the brainchild of Bernard Gray, a former journalist, politicaladviser and banker who was hired by the prime minister, David Cameron, to become head ofdefence materiel in late 2010, before Mr Hammond became defence secretary. Mr Hammond,said by some who have worked with him to be “a bit of a control freak”, concurs with much ofthe bullish Mr Gray's argument for the GOCO. But he was probably not thrilled by having tomarch in lock-step with him on such a contentious and politically risky policy. Mr Gray has beenmade chief executive of the rebooted DE&S.
Others will be frankly relieved at the GOCO's demise. Its detractors both in Parliament andindustry questioned how far a privately-operated entity could be trusted to serve nationalstrategic goals. Even the Pentagon, no slouch when it comes to outsourcing, was worried thatthe Ministry of Defence might lose capabilities critical for the support of future missions. In2011 America's Office of Federal Procurement Policy issued a “Policy Letter” warningdepartments about surrendering to contractors “inherently governmental functions”. ThePentagon was singled out for needing caution when it came to reliance on contractors.
Mr Hammond says that the GOCO plan is only on hold and could be brought back by a futureConservative government. By the time it is, the politically ambitious defence secretary willsurely have moved to another billet.